Eight Frugal Minutes: Frugal Podcast Home

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How to Prevent Bruising from Botox: What to Know
Prevent Bruising from Botox When you get Botox injections, you’re probably concerned about...

What Does Botox Feel Like When it Starts to Work?
Wondering What Does Botox Feel Like When it Starts to Work? Let Me Tell You.... You’ll be amazed...

Dysport vs Botox: Which One Is Right For Your Face?
Exploring Botox or Dysport for Your Face? There are many factors to consider when deciding between...

Can I Drink After Botox? Know Before Wine, Alcohol
Can I Drink After Botox Treatment? Can I drink after Botox? Being completely honest, after my...

Welcome to 8 Frugal Minutes, the ultimate frugal podcast for savvy spenders who want to maximize their savings without sacrificing their lifestyle. In just eight minutes, we deliver practical tips on saving money, scoring shopping deals and grocery discounts, embracing frugal ideas, and mastering penny-pinching DIY projects. But that’s not all – we also share how to make money in real time and offer a side hustles podcast on what you should consider in your community. Tune in! We love sharing ideas on our frugal living podcast.
Holiday shopping starts on Black Friday, but what if you didn’t get everything you were looking for? This year holiday shopping is a shorter than normal season, but the deals are still out there (and can be yours.) On this episode of Eight Frugal Minutes we share where to look for holiday deals, discounts and other opportunities for Christmas gifts and Holiday fun. Tune in to hear more!

Eight Frugal Minutes Podcast
Eight Frugal Minutes offers a practical look at money tips, financial journey, personal finance, spend money, debt payoff, side hustles and money hacks to live your best life financially free! Yes, we are your frugal friends!
Why are We Different?
What makes us different? We offer our ideas in 8 minutes! Living the good life might mean more goal setting ideas, cutting expenses, meal planning with personal choices for better living on your own path.
Plus, we believe that financial independence and debt freedom to create lasting financial freedom is part personal finance podcast and part frugal living to be curbing spending. Add a few laughs and you’ve found us!
New Episodes – Monday – Thursday
We are always talking! Our Eight Frugal Minutes blog is updated daily and 4 new episodes of our Frugal podcast are ready to listen to every week! Our show notes offer frugal tips, earning money and simple living. Listen to an episode or read our show notes!
Frugal Living Fast
Can you really dish details for smart consumers in a short time? We know experiencing personal growth comes from frugal friends in a supportive community. Your personal choice is all about new information to explore. Do you need countless directions? No! Our features interviews are aware the financial goals are personal.
Want to Be a Podcast Guest?
Come on the Show! Have an idea from your own experiences? Drop us a note! We’d love to hear from you! Have a personal experience, know how to cut food costs, or have a way to curb spending? Get in touch! It’s our 3rd Season! Find out more about us!
Our Show is All About Life
What makes Eight Frugal Minutes a different type of listen is we are offering money strategies great, debt pay off, best hacks for spending less and saving more based on personal experiences from a frugal family home. You can’t live a full and successful life of reach financial independence if you’re worried about a grocery bill or can’t even think about investing money for early retirement without a debt free journey.