Looking to save cash moving? On this episode of Eight Frugal Minutes we break down the idea of saving money moving or at least with a little amount of cash as possible. Sound crazy? Well, it is. And the ideas we offer on this episode are very unique, but tried and true. The balance of stress, moving and all your stuff arriving safely is a big responsibility to take on.
Save Cash Moving: Use the Money for Your Comfort!
Our first idea on this episode of Eight Frugal minutes is all about the moving pods. As we share on Eight Frugal Minutes, you can move your stuff and have someone drive it to your new home. Less expensive than a mover and far more reliable than other moving opportunities, depending on where you are going, you could easily get your stuff to your home inexpensively. There are five or six companies who do moving via pods and all are found in major metropolitan areas.
Oh yes, You Can Ship it!
If you aren’t convinced about the pods, consider package express. As discussed we dive into the Bus Freighter option and it’s possible to keep a tight budget while moving your stuff. Who would have thought you could ship boxes under a bus for such a great deal.
Our final segment offers the look at how to cater to a moving company with extra space and where to look if you are thinking you’d like to try outside help. It’s all about keeping an eye for services you typically wouldn’t think about when moving! And if you have a little flexibility you might find an empty truck at bargain prices to fill!
Related: Eight Frugal Minutes Celebrates 3rd Season
In Conclusion
Want to Save Cash Moving Your Home? This episode gives you a run down of what you have what you could do to save a few bucks! Real ideas that most people don’t think about! And we aren’t talking moving coupon codes either! Being budget friendly is essential, but so is moving without too much stress and hassle!